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วันเสาร์ที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555
How to make a perfect dome in Minecraft
1/8/12 UPDATE: Holy shit, 100k views, never expected that. I know this isn't the best video ever so if you have any questions please feel free to ask in the comments I always respond to comments when I can. ORIGINAL VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Some people asked for it so here it is, I tried to make it as quick as possible by cutting out boring parts and speeding up repetitive parts. EDIT: I am aware that this doesn't make a half-sphere, and isn't "technically" correct. It does however make a good looking dome and it is easier than making a half-sphere. This should not be follow exactly, it is merely an example of a method that I use to make domes, it can and should be adjusted to fit the size of dome that you are making. Here are the diagrams you should use: If you're a subscriber, there will be more Let's Play soon. I just need to record and force myself to upload everything I have.
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