วันอังคารที่ 24 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

City of West Hollywood Automated Parking Garage Demo

The City of West Hollywood has awarded a $2.6 million contract to Unitronics to design, engineer, fabricate, install and maintain a 200-car automated vehicle storage and retrieval system for the West Hollywood City Hall Automated Garage and Community Plaza Project which will be located at 8300 Santa Monica Boulevard. "City staff, residents and the City Council continue to work in upgrading the city's infrastructure to make sure our city meets the needs of a dynamic community," said West Hollywood Mayor John J. Duran. "The expansion of City Hall and the building of the new automated parking garage not only will provide for a better experience to residents and visitors, it will also provide for much needed additional parking while reducing the carbon footprint that a "traditional" parking structure would generate otherwise," added Mayor Duran. Automated parking garages can hold as many as three times the number of cars as traditional ramp-style parking garages. Operationally, automated parking garages provide customers with a valet-like parking experience that is fast, safe, and convenient. They are also less expensive to build when compared to conventional parking garages. Automated parking garages utilize computer-controlled motorized lifts, conveyors and shuttles to transport cars from the arrival level to a parking space and vice versa, without human assistance. Since 1989, Unitronics, a unique leading company with international presence, has focused on three principal ...

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